Barrett, Minnesota A picturesque village nestled in a valley in West Central Minnesota


West Central Area Schools
301 County Road #2 - Barrett, MN 56311 - Phone - 320-528-2650 or 2520

Fax - 320-528-2609


West Central Area School District is made up of  3 School Facilities, a Secondary School located in Barrett an Elementary School in Elbow Lake and one in Kensington.  The West Central Area Administrative Office is located in Barrett at the Secondary School.

West Central Area Secondary Schools has two schools within its' facility.  The high school, grades 9-12, is on a quarter/semester schedule with four periods per day.  The middle school, grades 7-8, is on a quarter schedule with eight periods per day.  Each school has a separate lunch shift and passing time between classes.

The West Central Area Secondary School building size is 130,000 square feet and has a capacity for 600 students.  The building is heated and cooled by a geothermal heat system which is controlled by a computer.  The commons area has seating for 300.  The beautiful auditorium has seating for 500 and has a catwalk and computer controlled stage lighting and sound system.

The West Central Area Schools facilies are available for use by organizations and groups in the community.  School facilities will be made available according to the established schoool district policy.  For more information contact the Administrative Office.

For more information on West Central Area Schools click on the link below.

310 2nd Street, PO Box 155, Barrett, MN 56311 320-528-2440 email -